There are a lot of other people attempting to raise money for science in SciFund 2.
I'm providing links here to reach their projects:
Beach of the Goliath Crabs: Doctor Zen returns with a new project, Beach of the Goliath Crabs.
Khazar DNA Project: In search of the Khazars of the Caucasus.
STEMulate: STEMulating Learning through personalized education - Encouraging interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) for young girls and boys.
Anthony's research site, iheartanthony: Examining the effects of deuterated water and deuterium-depleted water on life
Reading Emotions: Improving Our Non-verbal Accuracy
The Lakes Are Alive, with the Sound of Data
The Amphibian Ranavirus Project
Wild and Free Project
Bashing bacteria in the future
Sing About Science & Math
Biblical Weeds of the Wasted West
Comparative Physiology, Lab and Field
The Unknown Moths of Kaho'olawe Island, Hawai'i
All Female Salamanders on the Farm
Pain facial expression: attention, perception and interpretation
Coping with stress
Snakes, Birds and Disappearing Chile Peppers
Mermaid diffuses fish bombs
Genopolitics: Your Genes Affect Your Vote
Birth control for fish, what's in YOUR water?
African clawed frogs: The mysterious invaders
What happened to your fossil? Let's find out
Reading nature
Are coral reefs picky eaters?
Down with the (hospital) gown
Helping children stay oriented through life
Projet Crevette: Saving children from disease
Recipe for Scientists
Roads of the Ocean
Be sure to visit these websites to learn about the other cool projects in the second #SciFund Challenge! I'll post more when I have the updated link list for other projects.

K.S. MacLea, Ph.D.